AADHIKARonline 1205 GMT London Wednesday 15 Novemb

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Location: London, London, United Kingdom

AADHIKARonline is part of the AADHIKAR Media Foundation, established in London E1 on Monday 19 December 1980. AADHIKARonline is being published in support of Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel [including ‘Bethnal Green south’] and Stepney London E1 UK Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Agenda of Big Business that is forever engaged in robbing the ordinary public of the resources and of the democratic say...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Scrap the flawed Crossrail Bill. It will only bring disruption, social exclusion and bad health to East London

By ©Muhammad Haque, The organiser, Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area camapgn against Crsosrail hole Bill [UK House of Commons]... The Crossrail Bill, which is being included in today's [Wednesday 15 November 2006] Queen’s Speech package being staged in the UK Houses of Parliament in Westminster, will spell serious disruption and social exclusion to the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area. The Crossrail hole plan should be scrapped. The problems of transport for the people of London should be SOLVED by giving priority to what the people need, want and say. That is not being done in imposing the CrossRail hole plan. It is the priority as based on Big Business and City of London interests that is working behind the plan to impose the Crossrail hole plan on the East End of London. Neither the MPs nor the so-called objective BBC nor the so-called independent financial paper the FT has shown any independence of thought form the influence of Big Business and City of London lobbying for Crossrail hole scheme. The Crossrail Bill is flawed at every relevant level. It should be scrapped. It will not bring economic benefit to the people of London.

1155 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 15 November 2006